Friday, May 21, 2010


This cake was made for an awesome friend! It is chocolate cake with caramel fudge filling. I tried to make it to match her: fun, bright, a little crazy Ü. I hope she had a good birthday-Love Ya Bobi!


  1. I cannot believe how FABULOUS this cake was! It tasted delish (LOVED the carmel fudge filling)! And I think if I were to pick a cake to match me- this most definitely would have been it!! Thanks so much Annette, you are the BEST!!!

  2. My cake turned out so cute:)!! j/k this cake is awesome! i have not looked through your cakes for a while. you are amazing. I love how creative you are and how perfect they turn out. Lucky Wyomingons! GoOd luck with the move and settling in. We will miss you around here;(

  3. What a fun cake, Bobbie must be a really fun person.
