Wednesday, May 26, 2010


A few weeks ago, I got an email from Jackie at Cake Central Magazine. She asked If I'd want to make a cake or two for their magazine. I only had a week to get them made, photographed, and sent in (not to mention other cake orders that I already had). After a LOT of hours that should have been spent sleeping, I finished. My good friend Geri at Orchid Photography took some BEAUTIFUL pictures of them.

Today I got my June 2010 issue of Cake Central Magazine, and found both the cakes included!

 The theme for this cake was draped, twisted and/or knotted fabric.

This cake's theme was garden/birdhouse.
 I   NEVER dreamed I'd have pictures of my cakes in a magazine! How fun! I just had to share my excitement with you, and a BIG thanks to Geri again for sharing her time and talent!


  1. Congrats! That's so amazing. I was just going through your blog showing my mom all your cakes tonight!

  2. Congratulations Annette. Those cakes are worthy of being published!

  3. AWESOME!!!!!!! You are one AMAZING cake designer! Congrats on being famous! :)

  4. Annette,

    It's about time somebody published your work!!! I am your biggest fan. I have watched you create and I am dumbfounded every.single.time I look at your blog.


    How lucky I am to know you!


  5. Yay! You deserve it! Seriously, so talented!!

  6. You so deserve to have your cakes in a magazine. They are beautiful and I hope someday mine will look as good as yours...

  7. I have been so excited to see these! They are amazing, truly a work of art! Congrats!

  8. I am so impressed, as well! YAY!!! They are so pretty! Way to go!

  9. They are wonderful cakes, congratulations Annette...Published, Wow!

  10. i got my copy yesterday! i was so excited too. (thank you for getting me a copy of it.)
    you're pretty much awesome.

  11. That is sooooooo cool!!! Congratulations! You really are an amazing cake decorator! I am bummed that I can't have you make something amazing for some future thing in my life :) (I always wanted a reason to order a cake from you =])
